Saturday, April 5, 2008

Holly hears a sigh from behind her

Around January 2008, Holly heard a sigh.

I was leaving for work very early in the morning those days, so I could get home at a decent hour and still have a "life" outside of work.

I had already left for work that morning and it was still dark outside. Usually after I left for work Holly would go downstairs and watch some TV until it was time to get the girls up for school. One morning she was on the couch sje heard a sigh from behind her. The couch was pushed away from the wall, allowing a passageway behind it to the stairway and this passageway is where the sigh came from. The girls were not up yet and it was not the dogs. It was a human-sounding sigh.

She wasn't sure what to make of it but she described it as a sigh of boredom. Several minutes later she heard the sigh again. This time Jack, who was sleeping at the foot of the staircase landing, growled and started walking around the area behind Holly from where the sigh came from. He did this for several minutes, looking for the source of the strange voice.

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