Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Daylight Empty House Recording Results from Sep 5, 2008

Date Recorded: September 5, 2008.
Analysis Started: 9/05/2008 2:35 pm
Analysis Completed: 10/28/2008 10:01 am

A day recording of the house was completed at the request of one of my good friends, Martin from France. I left the house to go work out, and recorded while the house was empty.

The recorder was left upstairs, at the landing to the stairs. Based on the floor plan of the house, this was the optimal position, and noises should have been heard from all the rooms upstairs, and from downstairs as well. This is because the foyer is completely open, all the way up to a balcony on the second level, so sound travels well no matter where you are in the house.


Most of the recording was full of taps and knocks from the lower level - so much that I stopped splitting them off and decided just to make a note here.

The rest of the recording was uneventful.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The constant knocking

I might have mentioned this before, but this morning I realized, perhaps not for the first time, that the knocking inside the walls is pretty constant throughout the day. It can be broad daylight, or the dead of night. If you stop to listen, there is some sort of noise being made somewhere in the house.

I know what noises a house makes when it settles, and when this first started I just kept telling myself that the house was settling. But after a while doubt started creeping into my thoughts. Does a house only 5 years old settle this much?

And after I started making the night recordings did I realize that the settling was not really settling, but knocks from a ghost. Now I hear the knocks and think to myself, "will you just knock it off already?"

But like I said, it never stops.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Voices from upstairs while I work

I work from home and am located in the basement. I've been alone in the house for most of the day. Around 30 minutes ago I kept hearing a young female voice upstairs. It was very muffled and I couldn't tell what she was saying. It was also very intermittent. I would hear the voice and several seconds would go by, and I wouldn't hear anything. So I would go back to my work, only to hear it again a minute or so later!

I finally got tired of this and walked softly over to to the landing of the basement steps. I put my voice recorder on the landing, and turned it on. My plan was that any noises from upstairs should echo down the stairwell and be captured by the sound recorder.

I went back to my desk and continued working for around 5 minutes, after which I got up to retrieve the recorder. During that time I did hear the voice several times and was excited to listen to it on the recorder.

Alas, the recorder picked up no voices. I was more than a little disappointed because I know I heard the voice off and on for a period of about 30 minutes or more.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

White Vortexes

I just took Bobby, our runt Jack Russel Terrier, out to his runner. To get there I go down the steps of our porch, hang a left, then walk across some stone steps I laid on the grass until I get to the cable which is is runner. If you take a look at the image of my house, you can see it's on the hill. So while I am going out to the runner, the hill drops away on my right.

While I was carrying him, the peripheral vision of my right eye was completely obscured by a white opaque... thing. It was like a small cloud came hovering by the corner of my eye. I quickly turned my head to the right, and it disappeared. I was reminded of pictures I had seen of vortexes, and this looked exactly like one.

I quickly turned my head back to make sure I was not going to step off the stones, and then the white vortex appeared again in the same place, obscuring the peripheral vision of my right eye. And then it was gone.

I finished hooking Bobby up to his runner, and went back into the house, pondering how strange this experience was. I've never seen anything like that before, and it hasn't happened since.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Holly had trouble sleeping last night, so lay tossing and turning most of the night.

This morning she told me of two sounds she heard during the night. The first sound came from our room. Holly said she heard a little girl's voice from somewhere in our room, say "Momma?" About an hour later Holly heard a female voice humming a tune softly.

I keep forgetting to record so I missed these sounds. Tonight I'm going to try and remember to record.

Monday, October 6, 2008


Last night, a voice woke me up.


It was a child's voice - a girl. I was very clear and distinct. It woke me up immediately. Only one of my girls talks in her sleep, and when she does, it's very mumbled. This voice I heard was not mumbled at all. I went through each child's voice in my head, trying to match the voice I just heard with one of them, and realized I couldn't. This was a stranger's voice.

I then lay there in bed and tried to estimate where the sound came. It sounded very much like it came from downstairs, perhaps in the foyer, perhaps in the family room.

Then I thought, why didn't the dogs bark? It would seem that if a voice came out of nowhere, especially one they didn't recognize, they would be going crazy. Did they even hear it? Why wouldn't they if I heard it?

I lay awake for a few minutes to see if I would hear something again, then eventually fell back asleep.