Tuesday, May 6, 2008

EVP Recordings, May 5, 2008

Here is another set of recordings from last night.

Clip #1, 3:25 am, 0m 21s
Something being banged around. I want to say it's perhaps my electric razor hanging in the shower stall, but it really could be anything. Whatever it is, you can hear it bounce a couple of times against a surface.

Clip #2, 4:20 am, 3m 29s
This clip is very strange. I keep the recorder close to me when I sleep. So in the background you can hear me breathing in my sleep. But layered on top of that, someone or something is very close to me, lightly whistling in time to my breathing.

If you don't listen carefully, you could make the observation that the whistling sound is coming from me as part of the noises I'm making while I sleep. But if you listen very closely, you will notice that the whistling is off from my breathing pattern, making it obvious that I'm not the whistling.

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