Sunday, June 1, 2008

I wake to the sound of running footsteps

I was woken last night by the sound of running footsteps. They were loud and pronounced and just like what I've been catching on the recordings, like someone running on a hard surface. I lay there, realizing I finally was listening live to these sounds. I could not tell where they were coming from - it sounded like the ceiling or the walls.

I wasn't scared. I remember thinking, "Is that Jack digging at the carpet?" Our 8-year old mutt does that sometimes to get comfortable (and promptly gets yelled at for it), but I knew it wasn't Jack. It was the same sounds I kept catching on the recordings.

Based on how quick the steps were, I'm pretty confident that it's a child.

Unfortunately I wasn't recording last night, so I won't have these sounds to put up. But they eventually stopped and I went back to sleep.

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