Monday, December 29, 2008

Holly hears the "Hello?"

This morning, fifteen minutes before the alarm went off, Holly woke me and told me to turn the bedroom light on. Half-asleep, complaining, and asking why, I stumbled out of bed to comply.

She told me she heard had rolled over and was awake for a few seconds, when she heard, very distinctly, someone say "Hello?"

I asked her if it was a girl's voice, thinking back to when I had the same experience and she confirmed that it was indeed a little girls voice.

We lay there in silence, myself wondering if I would hear the voice. No voice, but I did hear things that have been missing the last few weeks: knocking on the walls and in the ceiling.

Could it be the holidays are over and the girl has returned?

I got tired of hitting the snooze button, got up, and came downstairs to start work.

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